Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor


The qualities of a truly gifted doctor are competence, communication and professionalism.
Other qualities required are dedication, hard work and long hours.
Through His Life, Jesus Christ has been referred to as the Great Physician.
We serve God by serving others.
Serving others with honor and respect is a reflection of Jesus Christ Who came to serve and to give.
You are most like Jesus Christ when you are serving others.

Dr. Athanasios Karagiannis


Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor
The Miracle of Birth
The miracle of birth and the giving of life through delivering babies is what draws special people this important vocation.
Doctor Athanasios Karagiannis, one of Rhodes Island’s finest doctors was born in the small, hilltop village of Mesanagros in 1916 during the Italian occupation of the Dodecanese Islands.
He studied Medicine at the University of Rome graduating at the top of his class and completed his Gynaecology/Obstetrics residency in Europe’s oldest existing university (founded in 1088) - the University of Bologna.
He married Erini, a young girl from the village of Lahania in 1947 and they had two sons and a daughter.
Doctor Karagiannis established his own clinic, Ayios Eleftherios in 1950 and was Head of Gynaecology at the hospital Vasilisas Olga (Queen Olga) in Rhodes until 1953.
In his long and illustrious career spanning 44 years he has helped to deliver over 40,000 babies (about three generations).
He is an example of the truly wonderful people who have enriched their community.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
— Ephesians 2:10, NIV

Dr Philip Lisgos


Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor
The Bible says that from the very beginning of His Ministry Jesus healed the sick and suffering. "He went about Galilee….healing every disease and every infirmity among people"
(-Matthew 4 - 23. R.S.V)
Dr Philip Lisgos, one of South Australia's finest scholars is today, one of the medical profession's brightest stars.
He chose medicine as his career path in life to use his God-given gifts to serve his fellow human being through good works and good deeds and, as a truly wonderful human being who makes a difference in our world.
Dr Philip Lisgos chose the profession of two historic Greek physicians:
Hippocrates of Kos - The Father of Medicine
Hippocratic Oath
Historically taken by physicians to uphold specific ethical standards.
"I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow".
Saint Luke the Beloved Physician and Evangelist
The Early Christian Church ascribes to Saint Luke authorship of both the Gospel according to Luke and the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
A doctor's life is dedicated to helping others and, in many instances, it can be life-changing for their patients because serious illness calls everything into question-quality of life, family, job, and plans for the future.
To become a doctor, you must first have top grades to gain admission to university and then, years of dedicated study and training to develop the decision-making skills that go into being a good doctor followed by long hours in a high-stress residency environment and sacrifices in lifestyle.

Early Life


Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor
Dr Philip Lisgos - a gifted student, a brilliant doctor always had unique and special talents and that certainty in his brilliance to achieve his dreams.
He was born in Adelaide in 1950 of Greek parents who had migrated to Australia from Rhodes Island, Greece.
His father Emmanuel (Manolis Lisgos) was from the village of Istrios and his mother Aglaia (nee Galantomos) was from the village of Lahania, both in South Rhodes.
He grew up in his beloved working-class suburb of Thebarton and was educated at Thebarton Primary School, Adelaide High School and the University of Adelaide - always at the top of his class.
His brilliance was such that on the basis of academic performance and special examinations he won both a Commonwealth secondary scholarship for the years at high school and a Commonwealth tertiary scholarship for University for all the years at medical school.
He was awarded the coveted Sir Hugh Cairns Memorial Prize for Medicine, a joint award from the University of Adelaide and Adelaide High School which is awarded to the top student from Adelaide High who enters Medicine at the University of Adelaide.
He also received a card/letter of congratulations from the then Minister of Education and Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Gorton.
Philip could have chosen to become anything he wanted to and would have achieved success. He chose to become a doctor - such is his caring nature and giving heart.
He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Adelaide medical school in 1974 then moved to Rhodes Island, Greece, where he married his wife Anthi (nee Gkinou), in 1975. Their two children are Emmanuel-Savvas (Aki) and their daughter Armonia-Mihalitsa, (Monia-Lia).



Southern Rhodes


Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor
Dr Philip Lisgos also completed his internship requirements as required by Greek law and completed compulsory rural medical service as a rural doctor based in the community of Apolakkia in South Rhodes where he provided medical, surgical, and emergency services to the population of all the villages and townships in the South Rhodes region.
He then completed his specialist training in internal medicine at the Alexandra University Teaching Hospital of the University of Athens Medical School in Athens. He qualified as a specialist physician in internal medicine in the European Union and then practiced his specialty, initially as a private specialist medical practitioner in his private consulting rooms in Rhodes, Greece, and subsequently as a senior consultant physician and director of medicine in the Hellenic NHS in the 1st Department of Internal Medicine in Rhodes General Hospital.
His confidence in his abilities, his unique blend of empathy, humility and inspiration, and his contributions and achievements to his profession for over four decades, are valued by the communities he has served in Rhodes Island, Greece, and in Adelaide, South Australia.
Apart from his clinical duties Philip has always had a passion for teaching medical students and facilitating the postgraduate training of junior doctors, and a keen interest in clinical research. He has an impressive publication record as a co-author of research articles in many medical journals and presentations at national and international medical conferences.
From 2002 until 2005 he was voted in and served as vice-president of the Medical Association of Rhodes, which is the medical board disciplinary, registration and licensing authority.
After being voted in among the top candidates and elected by the people of Rhodes and the Dodecanese Islands, he served and held office in regional government politics for eight years initially in the Prefecture of the Dodecanese and subsequently in the newly instituted Regional Government of the South Aegean for eight years from 2007 until 2014.
He held office as President of the Organization for Cultural Development of the Dodecanese and also served on the health commission and the organization for youth and athletics.
“Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living”.
-Albert Einstein

Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor


A truly gifted doctor has three important qualities.
They are:
IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
EQ (Emotional Quotient)
SI (Spiritual Intelligence)
Serious illness takes its toll on the mind and on the body bringing negative attitudes and feelings of being at the mercy of the unknown.
People with life threatening health situations want a competent doctor who is confident in their abilities and decision-making skills.
They also need a compassionate and caring doctor who can give them the emotional strength to endure and to persevere.
And, when all else fails, they need the spiritual strength that can only come from God, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ, our blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints.
In an ever-increasingly spiritually-poor world, Dr Philip Lisgos has been blessed by God with these three important qualities of a truly gifted doctor.
These three important qualities enable him to understand what his patients are feeling and experiencing, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
He is an intellectually gifted doctor whose confidence in his knowledge, abilities and decisions radiate like a bright shining light to alleviate suffering and to restore or preserve health.
He relates and interacts with his patients in a comforting manner, with humility, empathy and compassion
As a devout, Greek Orthodox Christian, he enlightens the hearts of chronically ill patients spiritually, to give them peace of mind and the light of hope that can only be found through faith in God and Jesus Christ.
Blessed with Talent in Abundance
Dr Philip Lisgos is not only a dedicated doctor - he is also a very talented musician, singer and guitarist who found his passion singing the songs of the fabulous 1950's, 60's and 70’s era and an extensive Greek popular, rock, and folk repertoire.
Life is enriched when natural abilities are enhanced to their full range.
Phil's unique and versatile singing style inspires and touches the hearts of his audience who always ask for more.
What's more, his family is also blessed with talent in abundance.
His brother Michael was a popular and versatile singer and his cousin Fil (Filippos) Galantomos was a talented song writer and performer whose songs were published during the Swinging 60s’ era and sung by popular Australian artists of that period.
Serving the Rural Communities of Southern Rhodes
As a junior doctor in 1975 in Rhodes Island, Greece, he had to complete his internship requirements as required by Greek law and completed compulsory rural medical service as a rural doctor based in Apolakkia, South Rhodes, 78 km from the town of Rhodes, where he provided medical, surgical, and emergency services to the population of all the villages and townships in the South Rhodes region.
Southern Rhodes reflects the gracious charm of a bygone era.
People there, still live the traditional, self-sufficient way of life, close to nature and God in every possible way.
With its legacy of goat herding and farming, its quiet rural roads lead out to fields of golden wheat swaying to the melody of the Pounenti wind, to watermelon and honeydew melon patches and to olive groves, vegetable gardens and vineyards.
Its spiritual trails lead out to picturesque little hilltop monasteries that enhance the beauty of the rugged landscape and historic, Byzantine churches that spark your imagination.
And, located about 6km from the hilltop village of Mesanagros in Southern Rhodes is Monastery Skiathi, famous for its miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Panayia Skiatheni).


Rural Medicine


Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor
Rural medicine is very different and yet, so incredibly important.
As a rural doctor, Dr Philip Lisgos faced many challenges.
He was on call 24/7, his patient workload was scattered over 10-12 villages of the Southern Rhodes region and, he had to work long, unsociable hours.
He became well-skilled in a wide variety of services since he generally saw a broader range of illnesses and was involved in the diagnosis and management of these conditions.
Dr Philip Lisgos was welcomed, supported, looked after and loved by all the communities in Southern Rhodes.
As a rural doctor, he was generally, the only physician that his patients had access to. This gave him the opportunity to get to know them on a more personal level. And, because he was likely to see his patients regularly, he could check on their condition when he saw them out and about in the community.
The people of Southern Rhodes got to know him very well and did not see him as “just a doctor” they visited when they did not feel well.
His dedication to helping others, his confidence in his abilities and his unique blend of empathy, humility and inspiration were valued and admired throughout all the rural villages of Southern Rhodes.
He came away from his rural service with valuable experiences and lasting friendships.


Divine Healing


Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor
Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls".
-Matthew 11:28-29 (KJV)
When all human efforts fail, and the best of medical science is at a loss, faith becomes important for those suffering serious, life-threatening health issues.
Through difficult times, God, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints become a refuge and a friend for suffering humanity.
Dr Philip Lisgos, the compassionate and devout Greek Orthodox Christian would pray to the miraculous icon of our Blessed Virgin Mary (Panayia Skiatheni) at Monastery Skiathi to give his patients that spiritual comfort and strength to have hope and to endure.


Specialist Training


Qualities of a Truly Gifted Doctor
After completing his rural service Dr Philip Lisgos then completed his specialist training in internal medicine at the Alexandra University Teaching Hospital of the University of Athens Medical School in Athens. He qualified as a specialist physician in internal medicine in the European Union and then practiced his specialty, initially as a private specialist medical practitioner in his private consulting rooms in Rhodes, Greece, and subsequently as a senior consultant physician and director of medicine in the Hellenic NHS in the 1st Department of Internal Medicine in Rhodes General Hospital.
He returned to Adelaide in early 2015 as a medical educator/lecturer at the University of Adelaide medical school. Through his teaching, guidance and support to enhance their learning and personal and professional development, he is an inspiring mentor for undergraduate medical students.
"Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity".
~Hippocrates - Father of Medicine

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